AFD Institution Settings
The AFD screen contains the institution settings for configuring the AFD postcode integration provider.
The fields on the AFD screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
AFD Address Search Option | Whether the standard address fields or standard address fields and geodemographic data are returned when the AFD service is called. |
AFD Default Format (Central) | The default AFD format to be returned (for example: ADDRESS_LINE_1=;ADDRESS_LINE_2=;ADDRESS_LINE_3=;ADDRESS_ LINE_4=;TOWN=Town;REGION=AdministrativeCounty;COUNTRY=Country). |
AFD Server URL (Address validation) | The AFD Server URL for address searching (for example: |
AFD Dynamic Search Options (Ontrack) |
Whether to display the Find button in ebs: ontrack. Select from the following:
AFD Dynamic Search Url (Ontrack) | The dynamic search URL. |
AFD Default Country Code | The default country code to use in AFD address searching. |
AFD Show Country Option | Whether the country drop-down is displayed in the new Search field, from which users can select a country to perform an AFD address search. |
AFD International Address Serial Number | The AFD serial number to use for address searching where the country does not match the value set in the AFD Default Country Code institution setting. |
AFD International Address Password | The AFD password to use for address searching where the country does not match the value set in the AFD Default Country Code institution setting. |
AFD International Dynamic Search UserId (Ontrack) | This field is currently unused but is intended for future use. |
AFD International Dynamic Search Token (Ontrack) | This field is currently unused but is intended for future use. |
AFD Email Validation (Central) |
Whether AFD automatically validates emails for ebs: central. Select from the following:
AFD Email Validation (Ontrack) |
Whether AFD automatically validates emails for ontrack software. Select from the following:
AFD Server URL (Email and Phone validation) | The AFD server URL for email validation. |
AFD Serial Number (Email validation) | The AFD serial number for email validation. |
AFD Password (Email validation) | The AFD password for email validation. |
AFD Enhanced email validation | Whether the enhanced email validation is used for email addresses (that is: when set to Y, the AFD software checks the syntax, domain and mailbox name in the email address are valid). This is set to N by default. |
AFD Serial Number (Phone validation) | The AFD phone validation serial number. |
AFD Password (Phone validation) | The AFD phone validation password. |
AFD Phone Validation (Central) | Whether the phone validation should be manual, automatic or not occur. |
AFD User ID (Central and Web) | The AFD user ID for ebs: central and web. |
AFD Phone Validation (Ontrack) |
Whether AFD automatically validates phone numbers for ontrack software. Select from the following:
UK AFD UK Address Serial Number (Central) | The AFD serial number for ebs: central. |
UK AFD UK Address Password (Central) | The AFD password for ebs: central. |
UK AFD UK Address Serial Number (Ontrack) | The AFD serial number for ontrack software. |
UK AFD UK Address Password (Ontrack) | The AFD password for ontrack software. |
UK AFD UK Dynamic Search UserId (Ontrack) |
The AFD user identification provided by AFD. A user id is required if the AFD Dynamic Search Options (Ontrack) is set to Yes. |
UK AFD UK Dynamic Search Token (Ontrack) |
The AFD token provided by AFD. A token is required if the AFD Dynamic Search Options (Ontrack) setting is set to Yes. |
NZ AFD NZ Address Serial Number (Central) | The AFD serial number for ebs: central. |
NZ AFD NZ Address Password (Central) | The AFD password for ebs: central. |
NZ AFD NZ Address Serial Number (Ontrack) | The AFD serial number for ontrack software. |
NZ AFD NZ Address Password (Ontrack) | The AFD password for ontrack software. |